20+ Unbelievable Stories of People Surviving the Impossible
This article appeared in instantlymodern.com and has been published here with permission.
As human beings, we can endure a lot more than you might think when pushed to the limit. It’s not an easy thing, though, on your body or your mind. These stories are emotional, and still, people bravely shared their stories of surviving against all odds in a variety of situations.
Alexander Selkirk
As human beings, we can endure a lot more than you might think when pushed to the limit. It's not an easy thing, though, on your body or your mind. These stories are emotional, and still, people bravely shared their stories of surviving against all odds in a variety of situations.[/SocialIntro] [post_page_title]Alexander Selkirk[/post_page_title] To start, let's step back in time to a historical story of survival. If you've ever heard of Robinson Crusoe, Alexander Selkirk is the privateer who helped to inspire the story. [caption id="attachment_1731" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Flickr // Debbie[/caption] In the real story, in 1704, in a burst of temper, Selkirk told the captain of a ship he was on that he'd rather be stranded than sail on the dirty ship. Unfortunately for him, the captain called his bluff and left him being. He was stranded alone for over four years before he was finally rescued.