These 30+ “Professional” Makeup Artists Should Find Something Else to Do

This article appeared in and has been published here with permission.
Makeup Artist Fails

Everyone has a learning curve when they’re trying makeup for the first time. But, when you go to a professional, you expect to end up with a look that you like. When that doesn’t line up, it’s disappointing whether you’re just trying something new at Sephora or a celeb getting ready for their closeup. These clients — famous and otherwise — were all done dirty by their professional makeup artists.

It’s an Ad?

If you’re advertising a makeup product, it’s important to make the product look good. That’s basic marketing, right? Well, it seems like they weren’t too worried about that with this ad on TikTok.

It’s an Ad?

Listen, we can give this stencil the benefit of the doubt — maybe at a reasonable distance, this stencil would work. We’re not so sure about this intense zoom-in on the model’s eyebrow is the best choice without tidying this look.

Even on TV

If you’re stepping out in front of the cameras for TV, you want to look your best. However, we can see how some days might not work out as well as others.

Even on TV

This Hoarders personality’s makeup artist may have forgotten to do something. Namely, the makeup isn’t blended down this woman’s neck. Alongside the starkly differing tones, it stands out under the lights and cameras. Maybe the other episodes are better.

Not as Promised

When you pay for a makeup look, the price can vary. The heavier the makeup, the more the look is likely to cost. It’s more product, after all.

Not as Promised

This person was headed to get their makeup done as a bridesmaid. For $60, they were promised a “full face.” In the end, they left with a splash of CC cream and some light mascara and eyeliner on their eyes. It isn’t bad but it’s definitely not what they asked for.

What’s Happening Here?

There are some places you expect to see near-flawless makeup. At the very least, you expect something a little more than what’s happening here.

What’s Happening Here?

Despite this show airing on Netflix, it seems like that doesn’t guarantee the makeup will look Hollywood-worthy. It’s hard to figure out what’s supposed to be going on here. Either way, though, it doesn’t seem to be working out. Hopefully, it got better in the next scene.