40+ Photos We Found Online Of People Who Took DIY Fashion A Little Too Far

This article appeared in Thefashionball and has been published here with permission.

What a Pair!

Have you ever woken up late, thrown your clothes on to get to work, and then realized later that you put two different colored socks on? If you have experienced that then maybe these shoes just aren’t for you.

What a Pair!

After all, these see-through heels will make that situation even more awkward. On top of wearing see-through heels, this person is also opting to wear socks with heels which is another way to push the boundaries of fashion. And not in a good way!

Amphibious Ware

Having prints on bathing suits is not a new trend. In fact, many of the cutest fashion trends over the past several decades have been prints. One of the most popular prints out there is of animals but what you see believe is not what we’re referring to!

Amphibious Ware

The swimsuit designer behind this one-of-a-kind piece went one step further and just made the suit out of the animal itself. We hope these are just models and not the real thing. Plus, who in their right mind would wear such a thing?

The World Is Your Oyster

One way to make yourself stand out is to have specialty nails done. This can be shown through a particular color, a unique graphic, or even a different length. So, when it comes to unique designs, there is a wide range of options.

The World Is Your Oyster

This person wanted to have a little taste of the sea and decided it might be fun to wear oyster stick-on nails. But this is just a little too out there, and it seems like it might be a safety hazard.

I’m Getting Hungry!

Ramen Noodles are good! If you’ve ever gone through a time of life where you struggled with money, you probably ate quite a bit of this easy to prepare and cheap food.

I’m Getting Hungry!

But no matter how many packages you have eaten, we are pretty sure that you would not consider wearing it. So, this guy must have really been into Ramen because he decided it was the perfect ensemble to run down to the mini-mart in.

Keep it PG

Dressing up your pet is nothing new, and it is something that a lot of pet owners love to do. It used to be that mostly you just saw dogs wearing clothes, but now many people are deciding that cats look just as cute dressed up.

Keep it PG

This person wanted to make sure that their cat was outfitted for the summer months and decided the best way to do that was to crochet a swimsuit. Maybe it’s the extra bikini top cups but we just feel like this is taking things to a weird level.

Meat Socks

Fancy socks are a big trend with a lot of guys. They often pair them whimsically with suits or even business casual ensembles to show a little bit more of their personality. Sometimes though, you should just stick with the tried and true patterns.

Meat Socks

These meat socks maybe something different but are also totally inappropriate for almost any outfit. We can only see these socks working in one way, and that is if you are a butcher.


We all have our favorite actors or actresses, and sometimes we like to show our love for them by wearing graphics on our clothing. Typically though, those graphics reside on shirts or even patches.


Having Steve Buscemi all over your lower half in the form of these leggings is not quite as cool as this person thinks it is. Maybe they should have stuck to just wearing those cliche graphic tees… Anything is better than this!

Peeping Out

One of the most frustrating things about having long hair is that you have to continually fight to keep it out of your face when it tends to get windy. This is why many people resort to ponytails or headbands.

Peeping Out

This person, though, had an ingenious idea and chose to distress her jacket in such a way that she could use it almost as if it was a hair tie. Though we do appreciate the out-the-box thinking, we still feel that maybe it’s a little too far out of the norm.

Letting Them Air Out

Have you ever spent all day in a pair of cowboy boots? If you have, then you know that inevitably your feet sweat quite a bit, and typically by the day’s end, you’re in heaps of pain. So we can see why someone thought this was a good idea in theory.

Letting Them Air Out

But in reality, the finished result did not quite foot the bill. In fact, it only made the person wearing these look like they were trying a little too hard. We’re also getting gladiator vibes from this and not in a good way!

Nothing to Hide

Most of the time, wearing a see-through garment will be a little too revealing for everyday errands. But the designer of these see-through plastic pants clearly didn’t feel that way. Maybe it’s just a layer of protection before painting, but we feel that this person is committing a fashion crime.

Nothing to Hide

Also, if it is true that this to just to help with a paint job, then what is the excuse for those shoes? No matter which way you look at this outfit, it will never be cute. We know we sound harsh but hey, it’s kind of our job!


Some people like to leave a mark. This, when it comes to fashion, often means incorporating novelty pieces into their wardrobe. Unfortunately, this person took that idea of standing out in a very unsavory direction.


There are not many people that could get away with carrying around a purse that looks like a chicken. Rihanna can make just about any fashion trend work and even she would struggle to make this look good.

Over or Under

Another place that a person can get a little fun into their fashion is with accessories. One of the easiest, of course, is the earring, and you are probably well aware that there are tons of fun little stores that sell novelty earrings.

Over or Under

But these little toilet paper roll earrings that this person crafted just cannot and will not ever be fashion-forward. After all, toilet paper is associated with going to the bathroom and that is something that is most definitely unrelated to fashion.

Stale Fashion

These little silica packets have a purpose, of course, and that is to maintain moisture within the package. That is it! They’re definitely not designed to be worn as a fashion statement.

Stale Fashion

While we like the out-the-box thinking behind this creation, we’re struggling to wrap our brains around this look. What are your thoughts on it? We’re trying to be open to interpretation since maybe we’re judging it too harshly.

Drink Up!

A lot of adult beverages come in specialty bottles or packaging, and many people like to collect them. One of the most popular might just be that purple velvet bag that we all have seen in countless places.

Drink Up!

This person thought it would be a good idea to take all the bags that they had and sew them into a jacket. All this does, though, is show the world that maybe they may have a slight problem…

Slither it Up!

Office attire can get boring, so we can understand why people would want to find a way to spice things up. Or in this case, slither it up! While we can appreciate people trying to be creative with their accessories, there also has to be a limit.

Slither it Up!

Snake image tights are where we draw the line. Not only would these probably scare your colleagues and customers but we just don’t see the cool factor to them. The only time these would work is on Halloween!

What the Fashion!

The exact words we thought to ourselves when we saw this ugly shoe trend on the runway was “WTF! (aka What the Fashion!)” Apologies to those of you who think this is cool because we will never begin to understand why high-end brands are catching on to this.

What the Fashion!

Those of you who look at these odd and overly-priced shoes in shock, we hear you, we appreciate you and we’re totally with you. As for the rest of you, you should probably get your eyes checked.

You Have Something On Your Ear

Making your own jewelry is a big trend nowadays and a great hobby if you are into that sort of thing. Also, many online marketplaces sell handmade jewelry that has both classic pieces as well as novelty ones.

You Have Something On Your Ear

Though we don’t even know if these spider earrings fit in the novelty category ― they look a little too real and this could lead to some major issues if someone near you is deathly afraid of spiders. So we suggest you don’t take the risk!

Slim Fit

Remember when you were little, and people used to make fun of you for having those chicken legs. Now someone thought it was a good idea to create socks that have actual chicken legs on them. Not sure this is going to be a trendsetter!

Slim Fit

For a fun gag, having these socks or leggings could be a humorous thing, but if you’re trying to wear them to work or just to run errands in, you may want to rethink this fashion choice.

Casual Fashion!

Sometimes it is just a pain to get up and get dressed to head out to run all your errands. It is so much easier just to throw on a pair of shoes and be able to head out the door with whatever you have on, and that may be where this fashion idea came from.

Casual Fashion!

Robe fashion is a thing, and though it looks very comfortable (maybe a little hot), it definitely is a little far out there for most people. Perhaps a silk one or a kimono would be the stylish solution!

Dress it Up

Taking a casual style and dressing it up is not a big stretch when it comes to fashion. Athleisure has been a buzzword for quite a while now. However, when putting your outfit together, you have to understand when to use it and when not to.

Dress it Up

This person is not necessarily executing the fashion trend poorly, it just seems a little too dressy for the situation. Maybe if they had gone with a little lower of a heel, this look might have panned out.

Denim On Denim

The fact of the matter is that there is a way that you can wear denim on denim. But it’s all about the way in which you style it which as you can clearly see here, wasn’t done well. What is that denim headpiece? We’re getting wizard hat vibes…

Denim On Denim

While normally we would recommend pairing two different denim shades together to achieve a cool look, technically this outfit has contrasting colors and it still looks horrid. We’re gonna blame the added pieces for this fashion failure.

Rip it Up

Ripped-up jeans and other pieces of apparel are nothing new. However, when you are choosing to make your own distressed look, you have to be careful of what you use and how you cut it up.

Rip it Up

This guy was going for a distressed top look, and unfortunately, the way that it panned out just looks like he cut his sweater on a barbed-wire fence or something. All in favor of never seeing this again? We hope you said “I.”

Paying for Dirt

The distressed look doesn’t only pertain to ribbed clothing. It also has to do with choosing dyes and techniques to make the clothing look more lived in. That is why many denim choices have an almost dirt-like wash.

Paying for Dirt

Many people have tried to utilize this technique to create their own, especially with denim jeans. Unfortunately, sometimes they take the dirtying up process a little too far. What do you think?

Special Footwear

Sometimes the people taking fashion a little too far are not only consumers but also the designers themselves. So, when two companies decide to merge their products, it can almost seem like the product ends up being just that.

Special Footwear

Take, for instance, when Ugg’s and Teva teamed up together to create these unique sandals. Trying to combine them with an outfit may be challenging since they are tragic looking and make you look flat-footed.

Flipping Fun

You can do a lot with nails, but sometimes there is a point where it becomes too much and somewhat of a nuisance. From having extended nails that curl around to intricate nail art, you may find that being too individualistic could cause problems in your everyday life.

Flipping Fun

This person clearly has a thing for mermaids and decided to attempt to give themselves a mermaid-style nail. Unfortunately, it just looks like something that is going to wind up hurting someone in the end.

Shut It!

Crocheting can be a great way to spend your downtime as well as make sure that you are ready for any gift-giving holiday that comes around. Using your skills, you can create scarves, blankets, gloves, and apparently even little purses.

Shut It!

We’re not sure what inspired this person to craft a mouth-style purse, but it was not a good idea when it comes to fashion accessories. Maybe they should have just stayed with the simpler scarf idea. If it ain’t broke then don’t fix it, right?

Knit Away

When you get the hang of crocheting, sometimes you go a little outside of the box when figuring out your next project. For this designer, probably the partner of the man donning these short shorts, this meant venturing into clothing design.

Knit Away

Not only did they crochet a pair of short shorts, but these shorts were fitted with a pocket as well. Though it may be pushing fashion a little too far, we’re sure that these shorts sure do breathe well.

Mice in the House

When you are a designer, inspiration hits you at the most unexpected times. Of course, this inspiration can also be spurred on by almost anything. Apparently, this designer may have been watching Tom and Jerry when they all of a sudden had this fashion epiphany.

Mice in the House

Though we are sure some people find mice very cute, we are also confident that many of those individuals would still not want to don this interesting mice necklace. Or is it a bib? Either way, it’s a fashion no-no!

Herbal Fashion

You can do a lot of cool things with your nails. From decals to the actual placement of accenting touches, if you are patient, you can make sure that your nails stand out among the crowd. This could also be a great way to round out your outfit.

Herbal Fashion

This person wanted to show that they were very much into herbal medicine. To do this, they may have taken it a bit too far by embedding their herbal medicine of choice into their fingernails. Ummm, gross!

Just a Hood

On a light, breezy day, there’s nothing like throwing on a good hoodie so that you can break the chill and still look fashionable. But having a hoodie that has no body and literally just has sleeves and a hood seems a little counterproductive.

Just a Hood

Though this may be a trend that was pretty popular, you can’t help but wonder about its functionality. After all, fashion should also serve a purpose. Or are we sounding a little too old-school?

Where’s the Heel?

Many women love to don heels as it makes them not only taller but also accentuates their legs for a better overall look. However, most platforms are already difficult enough to walk in, so we cannot imagine having ones that don’t have heels.

Where’s the Heel?

When you’re trying to look a little more dressed up, adding a pair of heels is always a good idea. However, we do think that jumping on this no-heel-heels trend might be pushing yourself a little too far out of the box.

Blending In

Just like with denim, camo on camo is not a great idea if you’re trying to establish a good fashion image. Also, anyone who is rocking an entire outfit made in the camouflage print will definitely not blend in.

Blending In

This look is just pushing the camouflage trend a little too far, and to execute it properly, one needs to pull back a little bit, choosing one or maybe two pieces that have a camouflage vibe.

School Style

Most of us didn’t love our high school days, so while we know that there are school uniform-inspired looks out there, we don’t really subscribe to them. So, with that being said, you can take a wild guess at how we feel about these school shoes.

School Style

Maybe it’s the high socks that are making it worse but we just can’t seem to appreciate this look because it’s bringing us back to those dreaded school days. On an unrelated side note, we love that Burberry coat!

Grab a Hand

There are a lot of interesting designs that are shown on the runways across the globe. But just because something is made doesn’t mean it’s necessarily ideal for wearing out and about. That is what we think of when we look at this jacket.

Grab a Hand

Hugs are nice when you receive one in real life, but donning a jacket that looks like somebody is continually hugging you may be pushing the ideas of fashion just a little too far.

Hold It!

We think every one of us can enjoy a humorous graphic design even when it comes to those that are placed on our clothing. That is why these leggings are so funny, however, we’re not sure they’re meant to be worn out and about.

Hold It!

The placement of these men is just perfect, and we’re sure that was the intention of the garment. But like we said above, wearing it out on a day of errands seems to us like you’re maybe pushing the joke a little too far.

Lacy Style

Pushing the limit is something that a lot of celebrities do. One of the biggest ways they do this is through their fashion on the red carpets, and sometimes it works. But, unfortunately, it doesn’t always. And it’s especially shocking when a well-known designer misses the mark.

Lacy Style

We hope you get our pun because the person donning this lacy jumper is none other than Mr. Marc Jacobs. We’re sorry dear Marc but this look is a little too revealing and unflattering for our taste.

A Little Off the Shoulder

Shoulder tops are perpetually in style, especially in the spring and summer months. They allow a little skin to show without showing too much and can lend quite the addition to your look. But we’re not sure about this exaggerated version of that concept.

A Little Off the Shoulder

Having a jacket that has the shoulders rips to this extent just seems counterproductive to us. Especially since most jackets are used to keep warm, and without the top parts of the shoulders, there will be no warmth in this jacket.

Fringe Fashion

There is a time and place for fringe as well as a limit to how much of it should be used in an outfit. So, adding fringe to already distressed denim jeans seems a little repetitive and confusing when it comes to style.

Fringe Fashion

These jeans rock a bell bottom flare, and then presumably, to keep with the ’70s vibe, the designer added in fringe ringlets around the calf. We don’t know about you, but we feel that maybe they should have stuck to just one fashion trend.


Layering is a great trick to create perception when it comes to styling your personal fashion. By using layering, you can also prepare for any type of climate, which is handy and multi-purposeful!


But sometimes, layering can be taken too far and just look frumpy. For instance, this person is rocking pink high heels with denim jeans and a lace tulle skirt over. The end result looks like this person couldn’t decide between a pair of jeans or a skirt…

What’s Popping?

Some people just like quirky designs. These people tend to dress head to toe in unique patterns and colors. Frequently they also extend their quirkiness to their nail art. Though sometimes this seems even stranger than their ensembles.

What’s Popping?

This person must really love corn, otherwise, why would they have spent the time getting their nails done to mimic the cobs of the delicious vegetable? This might be cute for a kid, but it just seems a little out there and unsavory for an adult.

A Hole in the Plan

Having distressed or ripped-up garments is not unheard of. In fact, many people use this as one of their own fashion looks to help develop their own personal style. Typically though, this distressed design is done without a uniform pattern.

A Hole in the Plan

That may be why we think this person who is trying to create their own look fell short of making it actually work. The repetitive nature of the holes just doesn’t quite scream “trend.” If anything, it screams “take me off!”

Free the Hips

A lot of women’s pants are created without pockets or with pockets that are too shallow. Of course, this is already a major issue, and so when we saw these pocketless jeans, we were just a little flummoxed.

Free the Hips

Why anybody would choose to try to make this look happen, we don’t know. One thing is for sure though, this person may have stepped a little too far out of bounds.

Where’s the Rest?

When you head to the mall to find a jacket, typically, you’re looking for something that will cover you up and keep you warm. Sure there are fashion pieces that are a little bit more Avant-garde, but even still, this seems like a strange design.

Where’s the Rest?

The only questions we have are where is the rest of this jacket, and what purpose does this fashion choice have? This just seems a little futile and unsettling to us.

Hair Today

Novelty pieces can sometimes be very fun, but they can also be tragic failures. The last thing a woman wants in a swimsuit is a novelty gag. Even though most people are fully aware of this, somehow, someone decided to make this swimsuit.

Hair Today

This design is definitely taking things one step too far. It might be funny to wear this at home as a gag, but there is no way you would catch us wearing it at the neighborhood pool party. After all, most females don’t find being so hairy fashionable.

Going Medieval

Having a wardrobe that uses accents of spikes and metal can be very cool if that’s your style. But most of the time, those are just accents and not a whole shirt of chainmail! This top seems a little strange and uncomfortable to us.

Going Medieval

Unless you’re a heavy metal musician or someone into cosplay, we don’t see how this would work when you’re out and about running errands. We’re gonna have to move this garment from the everyday wear pile to that of dress-up.

Fashion Faceoff: 35 Celebrities Seen Wearing the Same Outfit in Public

Fashion Faceoff: Who Wore it Better?

Oh no, she’s wearing the same outfit! This is a catastrophe! While wearing the same outfit to the same event is a major faux pas, there is nothing wrong with wearing the same thing in public, right? Yes and no! It is just another funny anecdote for regular people, but when you’re a celebrity hitting the town with the same thing on as another celebrity, it only serves to ask the question of who wore it better. We have found a few instances like this, and we are going to take a look at just who rocked it the best!

Caitlyn Jenner Vs. Kris Jenner

It is bad enough when the celebrity that you end up twinning with is a friend or a complete stranger, but when it is your ex, it is even more important to know who looked better in it. This happened to Caitlyn and Kris Jenner.

Caitlyn Jenner Vs. Kris Jenner

In early 2020, Kris had an appearance on a popular British TV talk show and wore a simple yet elegant black dress with a gold zipper. Eight years previously, Caitlyn had worn the same or similar dress to a publicity event.

Gigi Hadid Vs. Bella Hadid

Sibling rivalry isn’t just reserved for the Kardashians on this list – the Hadid sisters seem to enjoy wearing the same outfit as well – and it’s hard to pick a winner for this one.

Gigi Hadid Vs. Bella Hadid

Both Hadid sisters were seen out and about wearing this Tommy Hilfiger silver puffer coat. Gig kept it very ’90s with a turtleneck and jeans, while Bella was seen wearing it a few months later with more of an athletic look. Let’s be honest, they’re both stunning no matter what they wear.

Miley Cyrus Vs. Harry Styles

Fashion knows no gender, and that means that sometimes you will be competing with the opposite one, just like Miley Cyrus and Harry Styles did in this black sequined jumpsuit.

Miley Cyrus Vs. Harry Styles

In 2019 at the Oscar party for Vanity Fair, Cyrus strolled down the carpet in this chic little number, and a short while later, the former One Direction member rocked it at his SNL performance. The two even seem to have the same accessorizing thoughts too. Both definitely looked good.

Jameela Jamil Vs. Jonathan Van Ness

Rocking the runway at the Netflix Creative Arts Emmy’s afterparty, Jonathan Van Ness, one of the stars of Queer Eye, rocked this stunning fuchsia trapeze dress.

Jameela Jamil Vs. Jonathan Van Ness

The strapless number designed by Rochas was also the same dress worn by the British comedic actress Jameela Jamil at a YSL party in late 2019. No need for users to choose, Jameela copped to the fact that Jonathan wore it better on Twitter.

Kim Kardashian West Vs. Winnie Harlow

This entry from one of the Kardashian clan members is going up against Winnie Harlow. Both took a spin around town sporting this green Maisie Wilen dress.

Kim Kardashian West Vs. Winnie Harlow

Kim opted to tie in the yellow accent with a pair of strappy sandals. Having the same thought, Ms. Harlow chose to pick up the accent by matching her clutch to the yellow. Neither of them did any harm to this dress. In fact, they both kind of slayed it.

Brooke Burke Vs. Sofia Vergara

It is pretty common nowadays for stars to create their own fashion line. When they do, what better a way to get some free publicity than to wear it out and about on the town yourself?!

Brooke Burke Vs. Sofia Vergara

Sofia Vergara did that with a cut midi dress from her Sofia jeans by Sofia Vergara line. Then just a few months later, Brook Burke was spotted attending a meeting wearing the same dress.

Victoria Beckham Vs. Megan Markle

It might not seem fair to ask who wore it better when one of the participants is clearly pregnant, but when you’re a star, all bets go out the window when it comes to fashion.

Victoria Beckham Vs. Megan Markle

So when Meghan Markle stepped out in the same dress as Posh Spice herself, Victoria Beckham, there were sure to be some comparisons. Both chose colored accents, but Posh’s accent is just a bit brighter.

Zendaya Vs. Gwyneth Paltrow

Zendaya has come a long way since her Disney days and has cemented herself as quite the fashion icon (hence why she is on our list more than once).

Zendaya Vs. Gwyneth Paltrow

In early 2020 at one of the many awards ceremonies on her to-do list, Zendaya rocked a Tom Ford metallic breastplate. That same piece was also worn by Gwyneth Paltrow on the cover of Harper’s Bazaar just a month later.

Michael B. Jordan Vs. Zendaya

The unisex look is something that not everyone can pull off, but Zendaya definitely seems to have it down to a tee. She sported a charcoal grey suit from Berluti to a Harper’s Bazaar event that had previously seen the red carpet on the back of Michael B. Jordan.

Michael B. Jordan Vs. Zendaya

Being the gentleman he is, Michael answered the question before we even asked via twitter. His opinion? Zendaya, all the way!

Khloe Kardashian Vs. Kylie Jenner

The sisters of the Kardashian/Jenner household seem to like to strut their stuff in the same things. This just begs us to compare them with each other, like in this animal print one-piece.

Khloe Kardashian Vs. Kylie Jenner

The one-piece from Onia x We Wore was donned by the younger sister on her trip to Turks & Caicos. There, she posed for a few ‘grams. Not to be outdone, just a few months later, Khloe sported the same suit on her trip, posting an image to Instagram as well.

Kristina Schulman Vs. Danielle Lombard

The Bachelor is a phenomenon that has gone on for seasons, and many of the past alums have made quite the name for themselves. Two of these attended the same party and wore the same dress.

Kristina Schulman Vs. Danielle Lombard

This could have been the height of embarrassment, but both rocked it their own way. Kristina chose to go business and accessorize it with a blazer and booties, whereas Danielle decided to go a little more hip and pair it with a leather jacket and white sneakers.

Kourtney Kardashian Vs. Kim Kardashian West

Fierce is one word some would use to describe the Kardashian sisters, and in this case, they would not be wrong. Both Kim and Kourtney chose to wear this tiger printed Roberto Cavalli dress.

Kourtney Kardashian Vs. Kim Kardashian West

Kim sported it first, and then a few months later, the elder sibling attempted to show her how it was done. Which sibling did it serve better? That is up to them, and hopefully, it doesn’t lead to another catfight.

Rihanna Vs. Bella Hadid

Bella Hadid walked the runway and took fashion to the races with this checkerboard cape and short pairing. She definitely worked it on the runway. A few months later, another star worked it maybe just a little harder.

Rihanna Vs. Bella Hadid

Rihanna, the pop icon, loved the look so much she took it out for a spin to a concert. This concert was on her home island of Barbados, and she lit the night on fire in this fantastic ensemble.

Amanda Peet Vs. Meghan Markle

Even when you are pregnant, you still want to look pretty, and especially when you are holidaying in Morocco. Duchess Meghan Markle chose to do that in a blue Carolina Herrera dress.

Amanda Peet Vs. Meghan Markle

That same dress found its way to the Game of Thrones season 8 premiere. This time it was worn by actress Amanda Peet with a bit of a different fitting, of course. The glow that Meghan had changed everything, and for this one, she may have had a little bit of an advantage.

Travis Scott Vs. Kanye West

There are plenty of men who like to show off their fashion abilities, and one of the biggest is Kanye West. During his 2011 Coachella performance, he sported this Celine top without ever breaking his swag.

Travis Scott Vs. Kanye West

That same shirt was thrown over a simple white tee seven years later by Travis Scott, and still, the shirt screams “I know how to dress.” Both rappers understand how to leave their mark when it comes to fashion.

Zendaya Vs. Timothee Chalamet

The Euphoria stars seem to have a similar style when it comes to red carpet events. Zendaya, a few years ago, chose to wear a beautiful fuchsia Christian Siriano suit to a Humane Society event.

Zendaya Vs. Timothee Chalamet

Inspired by this bold and stylish look, her now co-star Timothee Chalamet opted to wear something very similar. This time, the hot pink suit was designed by British fashion designer, Stella McCartney. Both clearly have a wicked eye for style.

Priyanka Chopra Vs. Olivia Wilde

Both of these stunning actresses know what looks good on them, and apparently, the same printed Kate Spade dress is one of those things. Olivia Wilde chose to go with a bolder color, making her modeling of this dress a little more memorable.

Priyanka Chopra Vs. Olivia Wilde

But Priyanka wasn’t to be outdone, choosing to go a little more subdued with her color choice (despite being able to rock that bright pink very well). Both have a keen eye and looked stunning in the dress.

Tracee Ellis Ross Vs. Jackie Aina

Dior has been a name in women’s fashion for decades, and so everyone wants to wear a piece when they go out on the town or to a special event.

Tracee Ellis Ross Vs. Jackie Aina

So when this fly leather cage skirt found its way into the hands of both YouTube star Jackie Aina and the comedic actress Tracee Ellis Ross, there were bound to be some arguments over who wore it with better vibes. Tracee chose to wear the skirt a little more business chic than Jackie, but both got it right.

Jennifer Garner Vs. Meghan Markle

Another entry from the Duchess herself, Meghan Markle. This time she wore a beautiful navy Roland Mouret dress to an event the night before her illustrious wedding. She accessorized the dress with simple jewelry and tasteful pumps.

Jennifer Garner Vs. Meghan Markle

Just months before, Jennifer Garner wore that same dress as she accepted her place on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The actress chose to go without any accessories.

Dua Lipa Vs. Gigi Hadid

There are just some names that are synonymous with fashion, and one of them is Versace, hence the iconic and classic reputation of the designer and his clothes. That is why, no matter the age, if you want to look fabulous, investing in a Versace piece is a good bet.

Dua Lipa Vs. Gigi Hadid

Dua Lipa and Gigi Hadid know this, as is evident by their choice to rock a multi-colored jumpsuit. Gigi wore it first on the carpet at a fashion awards show. But Dua chose to wear it out for a fun night in New York City. Both know what they’re doing when it comes to fashion, that is for sure.

Leona Lucia Vs. Chiara Ferragni

It is rare that you get a mother-son “who wore it best?”, but here you have it. Fashion influencer Leone Lucia chose to take the question to her Gram. There, she posted this image of both wearing the same t-shirt.

Leona Lucia Vs. Chiara Ferragni

The cute novelty tee from Fiorucci looks great on both, but we think Chiara has the better model pose, so he clearly wins the contest. Plus, he is just plain adorable.

Olivia Munn Vs. Mary J. Blige

Who are you wearing? Fendi, of course, was the response of both Mary J. Blige and Olivia Munn. Both chose to take this black and white jumpsuit out on the town. Mary J. sported hers to the Essence Festival and paired it with a pair of matching peep-toe pumps.

Olivia Munn Vs. Mary J. Blige

Olivia, on the other hand, chose to go a little more relaxed. But no matter how the outfit was worn, it looked great on both of these amazingly beautiful ladies.

Demi Lovato Vs. Whoopi Goldberg

Did Whoopi inspire Demi? Who knows, but both hit the red carpets strutting their stuff in this cheetah print Dior gown. Goldberg wore it to the 2009 Oscars and Lovato nine years later at the Billboard Music Awards.

Demi Lovato Vs. Whoopi Goldberg

There is a little difference, of course – one wore a belt and let their legs slip through a slit, and the other went for a more covered-up look. Neither was wrong, and both were fun.

Beth Behrs Vs. Emmy Rossum

A simple little black lace top can be quite the addition to any outfit, but these two actresses took that idea to a whole new, yet very simple level. Emmy Rossum chose to don this number at a very special book launch.

Beth Behrs Vs. Emmy Rossum

Just a few days later, Beth Ehlers from 2 Broke Girls took the same top on a spin down the red carpet to a Hollywood premiere. Both paired it with a high waisted pair of pants and some cute pumps.

Helen Mirren Vs. Nina Dobrev

Seasoned veteran versus new blood? A generational “who wore it best?”. The iconic veteran actress Helen Mirren took a spin in a Prabal Gurung with ruffles to a film premiere. Keeping it classy, she paired it with a gray heel and a perfect little clutch.

Helen Mirren Vs. Nina Dobrev

As an alternative, the young star of Vampire Diaries, Nina Dobrev, wore the same dress to her premiere of Flatliners. She took a little more edge to it and paired it with a set of strappy jeweled pumps.

Storm Reid Vs. Zendaya

Zendaya, as we have already said, loves a good pantsuit, so when it came time to collaborate with the world-class designer Tommy Hilfiger, she had to include one in her line, and show it off.

Storm Reid Vs. Zendaya

A little while later, the young star of A Wrinkle in Time, Storm Reid, chose to rock the same suit. She decided to make it a little more dressy by throwing the blazer over her shoulders.

Meghan Markle Vs. Courtney Love

Meghan Markle and Courtney Love don’t have a lot in common except for their fame, and maybe a bit of style. The two ladies both put on a classy black Stella McCartney coat as they went out on the town.

Meghan Markle Vs. Courtney Love

The Duchess wore hers on a trip to Wales, while the rocker chose to wear hers at a YSL event in Paris. Both wore it well and chose to style it in their own unique ways.

Blake Lively Vs. Busy Philipps

Tartan is a fabric that has a classic and chic look, no matter how it is worn. Busy Phillips thought she would try on a Brunello Cuccinelli suit that Blake Lively had taken out on the town a few months previously.

Blake Lively Vs. Busy Philipps

Busy chose to let the suit do the talking, whereas Blake opted to top it with a long leather trench. Both took their own style and made the suit work for them.

Emma Roberts Vs. Alessandra Ambrosio

Both of these young celebrities decided to show their support for women’s rights and power by pairing this comfy t-shirt with denim. The style was not chic, more of an everyday wear kind of situation.

Emma Roberts Vs. Alessandra Ambrosio

But, both Roberts and Ambrosio were still able to make the shirt their own by pairing it with different denim types. That pretty much makes this contest a wash.

Kat Graham Vs. Katy Perry

The musician vs. actress “who wore it best?” lives on when it comes to this rainbow sequined dress from Christopher Kane. Katy Perry decided this was the look she wanted to strut on an appearance on a morning talk show.

Kat Graham Vs. Katy Perry

On the other hand, the actress Kat Graham (who, by the way, is also a musician) took the same look and paired it with a different shoe for a more relaxed look. Don’t get us wrong, she still looked chic. It was just a little less flashy than the red pumps that Perry wore.

Michael B. Jordan vs. Zendaya

A sleek suit is definitely the one thing you don’t want to miss out on in your closet. This suit comes in two different colors (or at least these two put it in two different types of lighting). It looks like Michael B. Jordan took a deep charcoal gray while Zendaya chose a deep gray-blue.

Michael B. Jordan vs. Zendaya

Both of these stars kept this suede suit simple and buttoned with a dress shirt underneath and a tie to complete the look. But there’s something about Zendaya’s stance with one leg out slightly and a hand in the pocket that definitely seems to set it off right.

Kendall Jenner vs. Rita Ora

This tunic-style dress is one that creates a statement on its own in a monochromatic black and white. The deep V of the neckline is a little bold but still conservative enough to be worn without anything under it, like Kendall decided to do. Or you can add something under it like Rita.

Kendall Jenner vs. Rita Ora

While Kendall kept things simple with a straight hairstyle and no accessories, Rita paired a fishnet style shirt under this tunic as well as fishnet stockings. And the bold makeup and braids definitely complete the look.

Beyonce vs. Keke Palmer

These two had some spectacular fashion sense with their Yousef Aljasmi gowns for two different formal events. The form-fitting gold dresses most definitely turned heads, and these two women knew how to pull off all of that sparkle and then some.

Beyonce vs. Keke Palmer

Beyonce paired her version with a cute clutch and some bright, shiny earrings while Keke kept things a little more subdued. Though her bright white nail polish definitely set off the dress as well.

Nicky Hilton vs. Ashley Benson

This leopard print jacket definitely pairs well with an all-black ensemble and both of these women knew that when they ventured out with it. Matching black bags, black leggings, and of course their long blonde, hair make it difficult to determine just which of these two pulled off the best look.

Nikki Hilton vs. Ashley Benson

While Nikki kept her jacket all buttoned up, Ashley chose to leave it wide open to show off the perfect clothing choice underneath. Not to mention the oversized sunglasses that really pull off that casual style.

Doutzen Koes vs. Gwen Stefani

These two rocked out in the same David Koma dress, but in two completely different colors. Black and white are an excellent complement to one another, with a sleek, monochromatic look, and maybe these two are both the winners in this dress.

Doutzen Kroes vs. Gwen Stefani

Doutzen chose strappy sandals and no accessories for her rendition (though the beachy waves in her hair might be considered an accessory). Gwen instead chose some more classic pumps and plenty of silver bangles to make the look her own.

Rosamund Pike vs. Meghan Markle

The Duchess definitely knows how to dress and this outfit by Emilia Wickstead is no exception. She chose to pair the black version of this button-down dress with a cute hat and pocketbook for a royal occasion. On the other hand, Rosamund Pike chose the white version without the accessories.

Rosamund Pike vs. Meghan Markle

Both dresses give a springtime look and accentuate a smaller waist. Not to mention all those buttons down the front that really set off the look. These monochromatic twins definitely make it difficult to decide who did the best job.

Jennifer Lopez vs. Kris Jenner

With this dress, you’re definitely going to get all the attention. The high neck, long sleeves, and long skirt make it more conservative, but that slit up the side and the glitter all over definitely make sure you’re going to be noticed. And that’s exactly what Kris Jenner and Jennifer Lopez both did.

Jennifer Lopez vs. Kris Jenner

J Lo decided to create an intricate updo with simple stones at her ears. On the other hand, Kris chose a little more glitz for her jewelry, including rings and bracelets, and kept her short hair more simply styled.

Miley Cyrus vs. Lena Dunham

Between these two, this pantsuit definitely makes an impression. Miley chose to wear it in a slightly baggy style, while Lena went with a slightly more fitted look. But both pulled off the casual, hands in the pockets routine when it was time for the photos.

Miley Cyrus vs. Lena Dunham

The all-black of the pantsuit itself is slimming and yet still bold, but it’s the white stripe across the top that really sets it off. Both of these celebs chose to keep the jewelry practically non-existent, with Miley pulling out only a single bracelet on each wrist for the occasion.

Tracee Ellis Ross vs. Jackie Aina

This unique black skirt is definitely one way to make a statement. The black color means that it pairs with anything and the woven design gives it just the right hint of style. Tracee chose to pair hers with a black top and black jacket along with a gold necklace and clutch.

Tracee Ellis Ross vs. Jackie Aina

On the other hand, Jackie chose a black dress shirt, tucked in for a bit more professional look, and a statement bag. But the all-black style for both is definitely sleek and oh so gorgeous.

Zoe Saldana vs. Kim Kardashian

This mauve colored dress features casual straps and a straight neckline with a cinched waist and a slightly full (but short) skirt. It’s definitely the kind of dress you can wear to an event like Saldana, or out for a stroll like Kim.

Zoe Saldana vs. Kim Kardashian

Both paired the dress with some more classic pumps but with a little bit of a strappy look. Plus their long dark hair really complimented the fact that this dress bares a little bit more of their shoulders. Why not show off those great locks?

Reese Witherspoon vs. Paula Abdul

This play on a schoolgirl outfit (or maybe it’s a nuns habit) definitely has some fun to it. The black dress with white accents creates its own style. Perhaps that’s why each chose to pair it with simple accessories like Reese’s pearl and gold earrings and Paula’s fishnet style stockings.

Reese Witherspoon vs. Paula Abdul

The end result is a somewhat demure dress, that still gives a bit of edgy vibe. After all, they’ve each got their own style to rock, right? And for any event, this dress really does make an impression.

Shakira vs. Pink

These two rocked out with the same dress at the MTV Awards and both of them definitely knew what they were doing. This leather look dress creates a unique vibe and the short, strapless, fitted style definitely showed off their own personal styles. Pink chose to pair it with pumps while Shakira went with tall black boots to complete the look.

Shakira vs. Pink

It’s definitely a look that fits the MTV awards, and wouldn’t look out of place in a nightclub either. Not to mention it pairs great with the short punk hairstyle Pink has and the long, messy waves that Shakira is rocking.

Lady Gaga vs. Beyonce

This see-through red dress definitely does have its own flare and both Lady Gaga and Beyonce chose to take it on in slightly different ways. Lady Gaga chose a black bodysuit under the sheer dress while Beyonce paired it with even more red for a vibrant look.

Lady Gaga vs. Beyonce

Lady Gaga pulled her hair back into a more severe look with her small sunglasses and hoop earrings. Plus some chunky boots and stockings. On the other hand, Beyonce chose her signature curls hanging down her shoulders with sunglasses and some strappy silver heels.

Miley Cyrus vs. Taraji Henson

The little black dress is a staple in just about any closet and there’s a reason for that. But Miley and Taraji took that a step further with this dress. The sleek black looks stylish while the cutouts definitely create a little more enticing look to go along with it.

Miley Cyrus vs. Taraji Henson

Miley paired this floor-length gown with a slicked back, short hairstyle. On the other hand, Taraji chose to keep her long, dark hair down around her shoulders, highlighting the dress and those curls at the same time.

Kate Middleton vs. Drew Barrymore

These two definitely have something in common with the auburn hair and the same taste in fashion. While Drew chose to keep the dress plain, the Duchess chose to pair it with some cute earrings and a shawl to stay a little warmer.

Kate Middleton vs. Drew Barrymore

There’s no end to the bright colors with this one, which means it attracts just the right amount of attention, and the slit down the front has a sort of peek-a-boo look that’s still plenty conservative for an audience with the Queen (or anyone else).

J-Lo Vs. Shakira

There are few celebrities that can stand up to the style icon J-Lo, but at the Superbowl in 2020, Shakira sure tried her best. Though not exactly the same outfit, there were enough similarities to compare the two.

J-Lo Vs. Shakira

J-Lo rocked a silver Versace fringe jumpsuit while the Colombian hip shaker, Shakira, opted for a gold option. They both kind of worked it, so why don’t we call this a draw, shall we?

Meghan Markle Vs. Lupita Nyong’ o

It is hard to compete with stunning beauty like the Oscar winner Lupita Nyong’o, but the Duchess of Sussex thought she would try. At a music festival in March 2020, Meghan Markle donned a beautiful red caped dress designed by Safiyaa.

Meghan Markle Vs. Lupita Nyong’ o

This dress was very similar to the one that Lupita had worn in 2014. Though Ralph Lauren designed Lupita’s version, the lines and shape were similar enough to stir some comparisons.

Emily Ratajkowski Vs. Gigi Hadid

The Tony Awards are a good occasion to get out the fancy duds and show off what is new in your wardrobe. When it comes to fancy duds, there is nothing like an elegant black dress. Which is exactly what model/actress Emily Ratajkowski thought when she rocked this number.

Emily Ratajkowski Vs. Gigi Hadid

The dress, though, had been snapped on the runways of 2019’s spring and simmer lines. Who rocked it? Gigi Hadid. And she did a pretty good job – not to say Emily didn’t hold her own.

Beth Stern Vs. Molly Sims

One may not think of cat print as an actual cat picture. Some would even question if this print is even stylish, but when paired with the right person, even a dress with cats all over it can be quite chic.

Beth Stern Vs. Molly Sims

This is what happened with this midi dress that both Molly Sims and Beth Stern chose to wear out and about. Both chose to accessorize it differently, and this made them both fashion winners.

Kim Kardashian West Vs. Kylie Jenner

Sisters often share closets, but it seems like there is a rotation going on in the Kardashian/Jenner girls’ homes. They have found themselves on this list several times already.

Kim Kardashian West Vs. Kylie Jenner

This time, it is a faceoff between Kim and Kylie. Both were seen in public wearing a very cute halter top from Charlotte Knowles. Kim strutted her stuff on Instagram, showing off her look with this top. Then later that evening, Kylie hit the streets to have a fun evening in the same top.