Coconut Oil: Healthy Hair on a Healthy Budget

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Taking care of your hair can be pricey, especially with all the products you need to use. The good news is that coconut oil is here to save the day.

It not only serves as a healthier cooking alternative but can give you glowy skin and sleek hair. No wonder hairstylists call it a ‘miracle product’. It’s affordable, and one jar can last more than a month. Here’s everything you need to know.

Coconut Oil for Straight Hair

Yes, you can get super sleek and straight hair with coconut oil. Not only that, but it also contains natural fatty acids and proteins. It is extremely beneficial in preventing protein loss and making your hair healthier.

If your hair is thinner, use coconut oil to strengthen it and eliminate the risk of fallout.

More Hair Benefits of Coconut Oil

Thanks to its fatty acid, coconut oil can repair overly dry hair. It serves as an excellent hydrator, bringing back the moisture in your locks. Also, if you regularly use hot tools and chemical treatments, this oil will be your best friend. The oil can hydrate your scalp and therefore, eliminate inflammation and flakes. Even if you have an oily scalp, you can still use it. Applying it can prevent excess oil production that causes shedding.

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Frizzy hair and flyouts can also be easily tamed with coconut oil. Apply a light coat and watch your hair become smoother than ever. This oil can make your hair shiny and healthy. It adds moisture, thanks to its lauric acid.

Hair Masks and Leave-In Sprays

A deep hydrating hair mask will penetrate the roots and make your hair healthier than ever. Scoop some oil or heat it and massage it into your hair. Start at the ends and work your way up to the roots. Let it sit there for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with shampoo. Do this mask once a week for optimal results.

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If you’re feeling ambitious, make a leave-in spray. Melt 1 Tbs. of coconut oil in the microwave until melted and pour it into a spray bottle filled with ¼ cup water. Shake the bottle and apply a light mist to your hair. This one doesn’t have to be rinsed, so you can just let it absorb.